The content below outlines the details and purpose of the groups. It also covers some important boundaries in relation to your well-being and safety and that of others. If anything is unclear or you'd like further information, please feel free to contact me. Scroll down to the bottom for information on may latest courses.
What are the groups about?
I run monthly support and psychoeducation groups for mothers in Amersham, Bucks. Each one has a topic and the group offers a supportive, empathetic and non-judgmental space for mothers to come together and talk with each other about their experience of the topic. Psychological concepts will be drawn on where appropriate to explain certain phenomena and further understanding. Below you can find details of the latest groups I am running. There will be plenty of tea (not microwaved!), coffee and cake on offer as well. Places are £12 per group. Please email me to book your place and note that spaces are limited. All groups are at Amersham Community Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham, HP6 5AH.
Who are the groups for?
These groups are for mothers who wish to have a space where they can talk openly with other mothers about the topics in question, and who would find this small kind of community helpful in making them feel less alone. They are also for mothers who may wish to learn a little more about some psychological concepts as they pertain to the topic in question.
Who are the groups not for?
These groups are not suitable for mothers who are experiencing mental health difficulties that require professional input. The groups do not offer group therapy or any other kind of medical or health-related advice or guidance that is best sought from an appropriate health professional. If you are unsure about whether the group is suitable for you, please do feel free to contact me to discuss this and I can refer you to appropriate resources if professional input is indicated.
Are the groups confidential?
Confidentiality within the group is of utmost importance. By attending the group you agree to maintain each attendee's confidentiality by not repeating personal information and content outside of the group to anyone. Although the group is not a form of therapy, as a psychologist I have a duty of care to the public and there are some exceptional circumstances in which I would need to breach confidentiality. These circumstances concern disclosures where I feel there is sufficient evidence that the welfare and safety of yourself or others is in danger. Please refer to my FAQs page to understand more about instances where confidentiality would need to be breached and what the process would be.
A word about personal responsibility and comfort levels
The Mums and Microwaved Tea groups are intended to provide a safe and comfortable space that is informative, engaging and enjoyable. There is always the possibility that material discussed can be emotive and this is normal. However, I ask that you take responsibility for your own comfort levels and well-being by sharing only what you feel comfortable in sharing. If you are concerned about your well-being or feel particularly activated by something that does arise in the group, please feel free to talk to me about it afterwards to see if further support might be necessary.
*By booking your place and attending the group, you understand and agree to all the above.
To book your place please email me at